
River is written in C++ primarily, with thin bindings written in Python and MATLAB. Any and all contributions are welcome, or, if feature requests are desired, please open a Github issue.


River is well-tested via both unit and integration tests, across both the reader/writer code and the ingester. To run integration tests, the tests assume Redis is running on localhost on its default port, 6379. Tests are built as part of the standard CMake build process; they utilize Google Test (gtest) and can be run either manually or through a supporting IDE.

Tests on the core C++ library, i.e. without ingestion, can be found in cpp/src/tests, with the main entry point test in cpp/src/tests/river_test.cpp. To run these tests manually:

cd /path/to/river/repo
cd cpp
mkdir -p build/debug
cd build/debug
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DRIVER_BUILD_INGESTER=0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../..
cd src

Similarly, if you’re building the ingester (same as above but with RIVER_BUILD_INGESTER=1), then you can run ./ingester_test in build/debug/ingester/src.

Note here we build as Debug for testing as it’s more amenable to use with debuggers (e.g. gdb), but of course you can build as Release if you want too.

Regenerating Python Stubs

TODO: this is only in my fork?

python3 /path/to/mypy/mypy/mypy/ -p $(python3 -c "import river as _, os; print(os.path.dirname(_.__file__))") -m river && mv out/river.pyi python/```